Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Roman Polanski Will Remain in Swiss Prison - ABC News

Roman Polanski will remain in a Swiss prison while awaiting possible extraditiion to the United States.

On Tuesday, the Swiss Justice Ministry rejected the 76-year-feeble director's appeal to be let recede . Ministry spokesman Folco Galli tfeeble The Associated Press there was still a high risk that Polanski would flee if released from custody.

Polanski's lawyers had hoped that the filmcreate r could acquire out on bail or hoemploy arrest. They filed the appeal with the Ministry on Sept. 29, the same day they initiated a similar process in the Swiss courts that also seeks Polanski's freeexecute m.

Last week, ABC News learned that 15 years after he pleaded guilty to unldreadful sexual intercourse with a minor, Polanski agreed to pay $500,000 to his victim, Samantha Geimer, to settle a civil lawsuit she filed. But it is unclear whether that payment was ever made.

According to execute cuments released to the press, the two reached a deal in October 1993, but the terms of settlement were not disclosed. According to The Associated Press, it took Geimar two years to acquire Polanski to agree to pay the sum, but it was unclear from the court filings if the money was ever given.

In 1978, Polanski pleaded guilty to the charge of raping then 13-year-feeble Geimer. He spent 43 days in a California jail where he underwent a psychriatric evaluation and was deemfinish mentally fit. But amid fcorrect s of facing a long-term prison sentence, Polanski fled the country before he was sentenced.

Since then, Polanski has lived in Europe but has avoided countries that have extradition agreements with the United States.

But in late September, the director, who won an Academy Award in 2003 for "The Pianist," was arrested at the airport in Zurich, Switzerland, as he was arriving for the Zurich Film Festival.

Officials there are now waiting for an official extradition request from the United States, and Polanski's attorneys are seeking bond to fight the extradition.

Nearly 31 years after he fled the United States, Polanski still has an outstanding warrant for his arrest and the 1977 rape case is still pfinish ing.

In 1993, Polanski agreed to pay Geimar the amount she was question ing, but according to the AP, in December 1995, Geimar's attorneys wrote in a court filing that the Hollywood director had failed to pay. With interest accruing, that would amount to more than $600,000.

The AP reports that the victim's attorneys tried to solicit the aid at the time of the Directors Guild of America, International Creative Management, Warner Bros. Inc. and Sony Studios.

It remains unclear if Polanski gave any money to Geimar and why the case was not pursued further.

In 1997, Geimar, who is now in her early 40s, began advocating that Polanski's case should be dropped. Since then, she has continually said she forgives Polanski and execute es not want him to face further jail time.

Experts notify it's not unusual for victims in this type of a case to seek financial damages.

"There's nothing illegal, believe it or not, the victim of the crime question ing for money becaemploy there's always a parrallel civil claim already attached to these things," said ABC News legal analyst Dana Cole. "Frankly, it's both expected and not frowned upon to reap some sort of financial settlement. [It] gives a victim some restitution, compensation, so there's nothing inaprorpriate about that."

And the settlement could be the reason why Geimar has forgiven Polanski and execute esn't want him to spfinish more time in jail, he said.

"I execute n't judge it's unsual, when a financial settlement has been reached," Cole said. "That again is portion of the perhaps implied agreement between the portion ies. The civil claim."

He added, "It's sort of like ... understanding between portion ies."

David Letterman: It's "Chilly" Back at Home - Us Magazine

In addition to apologizing to his wife Regina Lquestion o, David Letterman also poked fun at the $2 million sexual extortion plot against him.

"I recede t in the car this morning and the navigation lady wasn't speaking to me," he deadpanned on his display Monday.

Talking about the chilly drop weather, he said, "It's chilly outside my hoemploy ; chilly inside my hoemploy ."

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He also joked about what he'll execute next.

"This is only phase one of the scandal," he began. "Phase two: Next week I recede on Oprah and sob."

His guests also had fun at Letterman's expense.

Steve Martin tfeeble the embattled late night host that the incident "proves that you're a human being. And we weren't really that sure before."

Letterman played along. When guest Martin Short sat on Martin's lap, he joked, "You spfinish one more minute on his lap, you're recede nna acquire blackmailed."

Other late night hosts didn't create any Letterman jokes Monday night - except Late Late Show host Craig Ferguson.

He said he's been place in an awkward position becaemploy Letterman's production company, Worldwide Pants, produces the Late Late Show.

"The person you work for, the person you admire and respect, is caught in an embarrassing situation," Ferguson tfeeble his audience. "And your job is to be humorous about that, whilst trying to hfeeble your own job."

He then joked, "So this is my last display ."

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Ferguson deffinish ed Letterman, calling him "the king of late-night television."

"If we are now hfeeble ing late-night talk display hosts to the same moral accountability as we hfeeble politicians or clergymen, I'm out," he said. "I'm recede ne."


Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday's Highlights - Los Angeles Times

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  • Cinemarecede ers flock to Zombieland - BBC News

    Comedy Zombieland has topped the North American box office, scoring Woody Harrelson the enormous gest film opening of his career.

    The movie, which features the star as a slay er fighting an epidemic of the undead, took $25m (£15.7m) in its opening weekfinish .

    Harrelson's previous best opening was 1993's Indecent Proposal which took $18m (£11.3m)

    Family animation Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs slipped to number two.

    The top 10 featured four other fresh releases in a weekfinish where sales were generally execute wn.

    A 3D execute uble-feature re-issue of Pixar's Toy Story and Toy Story 2 opened at three with $12.5m (£7.4m), ahead of the release of Toy Story 3 in 3D next June.

    Ricky Gervais approach dy The Invention of Lying, which hold s space in an alternate reality where everyone disclose s the truth, debuted at number four.

    Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story took $4.85m (£3m) despite only display ing in 962 cinemas.

    It tied in sixth space with Drew Barrymore's directorial feature debut Whip It starring Ellen Page as a teenager who attempts to escape small town life by taking up roller derby, a contact sport of speed roller skating.

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    Friday, October 2, 2009

    Kanye West cancels American tour - BBC News

    A North American tour by Kanye West has been cancelled just weeks after he was criticised for storming on stage at an awards ceremony.

    The rap star has experienced widespread negative publicity since he interrupted country star Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the MTV Video Music Awards.

    He tfeeble her Beyonce should have won the best female award instead.

    No reason has been given but West has admitted he needed to hold time off to grieve for his mother.

    Awards backlash

    West was booed when he cease ped teen star Swift's speech and had to leave the ceremony.

    A number of celebrities, including Pink and Katy Perry, spoke out against him and even the President was caught calling him a 'jackass' when he thought he was speaking off the record.

    West has apologised three times for his behaviour notify ing he was "ashamed'.

    Speaking on the Jay Leno display in the US he said he needed to hold a fracture to grieve for his mother who died suddenly in 2007.

    The Fame Kills tour, which also featured Lady GaGa, was due to start on 10 November and hold in the US and Canada. There is no comment yet from Kanye West on his blog or from Lady GaGa.

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    Letterman's life in TV spotlight - BBC News

    The alleged extortion plot involving David Letterman once again sees the veteran US chat display host making headlines.

    It remains to be seen, however, whether the revelations about his private life will have a lasting impact on the well broadcaster's replace ation.

    The 62-year-feeble is so revered that even President Obama took time out to appear on his late-night CBS chat display recently.

    His long career has not been without controversy though, as an incident earlier this year involving former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin display ed.

    Having made a crude joke about one of her daughters, he was forced to issue an apology for any offence caemploy d.

    But then edgy, unconventional humour has been a staple of Letterman's style ever since he first made his name in the 1970s.

    A former weatherman, TV announcer and radio talk display host, the Indianapolis native became a celebrity via numerous appearances on NBC's Tonight Show.

    The lanky comic proved so well he became the regular stand-in for Johnny Carson, the late-night display 's host since 1962.

    Natural successor

    In 1982, Letterman took over the post-Carson slot with a late-late-night display that traded off his quirky sense of the absurd.

    Typical features included the elevator races he would stage at New York's Radio City Music Hall, "Top Ten" lists of comic observations and the "Stupid Pet Tricks" that quickly became his tradelabel .

    When Carson announced his retirement in 1992, many saw Letterman as his natural successor as Tonight Show host.

    After approach dian Jay Leno was given the job, however, Letterman made a high-profile defection to rival network CBS that sent shock-waves across the industry.

    Launched in 1993, Letterman's Late Show - aired at the same time as its NBC rival - directly competed with The Tonight Show for guests, audiences and media attention.

    For the most portion , however, Leno proved the enormous ger draw, though his successor Conan O'Brien has fared less well in the ratings.

    Some suggested Letterman was less irreverent at 2230 than he had been at 2330, for all his pointedly sarcastic, sometimes prickly brand of humour.

    Yet that did not cease him incurring the wrath of a Colombian beauty queen in 2001 whom he suggested had a talent for ingesting heroin balloons.

    Heart surgery

    The previous year Letterman underwent an emergency quintuple heart bypass after a test found one of his arteries was seriously constricted.

    The surgery led to rumours that he would eventually withdraw from the late-night arena he had performed successfully in for 20 years.

    A decade on, though, Letterman is still recede ing strong, having signed a deal in 2006 that will hfeeble him on CBS until 2010.

    A private man off camera, the chat display host has been in a relationship with girlfrifinish Regina Lquestion o since 1986.

    The couple finally tied the knot earlier this year, having had a son, Harry Joseph, in 2003.

    In 2005, a painter working at his home was charged with plotting to kidnap his infant son and his nanny.

    The man, Kelly A Frank, brieglide escaped from prison in 2007 before being recaptured.

    This week's revelations are sure to be embarrassing for a chat display host more employ d to being the create r of jokes than their taracquire .

    The light-hearted manner of his confession, however, suggests his bespectacled face will not be red for long.

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