Tuesday, October 6, 2009

David Letterman: It's "Chilly" Back at Home - Us Magazine

In addition to apologizing to his wife Regina Lquestion o, David Letterman also poked fun at the $2 million sexual extortion plot against him.

"I recede t in the car this morning and the navigation lady wasn't speaking to me," he deadpanned on his display Monday.

Talking about the chilly drop weather, he said, "It's chilly outside my hoemploy ; chilly inside my hoemploy ."

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He also joked about what he'll execute next.

"This is only phase one of the scandal," he began. "Phase two: Next week I recede on Oprah and sob."

His guests also had fun at Letterman's expense.

Steve Martin tfeeble the embattled late night host that the incident "proves that you're a human being. And we weren't really that sure before."

Letterman played along. When guest Martin Short sat on Martin's lap, he joked, "You spfinish one more minute on his lap, you're recede nna acquire blackmailed."

Other late night hosts didn't create any Letterman jokes Monday night - except Late Late Show host Craig Ferguson.

He said he's been place in an awkward position becaemploy Letterman's production company, Worldwide Pants, produces the Late Late Show.

"The person you work for, the person you admire and respect, is caught in an embarrassing situation," Ferguson tfeeble his audience. "And your job is to be humorous about that, whilst trying to hfeeble your own job."

He then joked, "So this is my last display ."

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Ferguson deffinish ed Letterman, calling him "the king of late-night television."

"If we are now hfeeble ing late-night talk display hosts to the same moral accountability as we hfeeble politicians or clergymen, I'm out," he said. "I'm recede ne."


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