Monday, October 5, 2009

Cinemarecede ers flock to Zombieland - BBC News

Comedy Zombieland has topped the North American box office, scoring Woody Harrelson the enormous gest film opening of his career.

The movie, which features the star as a slay er fighting an epidemic of the undead, took $25m (£15.7m) in its opening weekfinish .

Harrelson's previous best opening was 1993's Indecent Proposal which took $18m (£11.3m)

Family animation Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs slipped to number two.

The top 10 featured four other fresh releases in a weekfinish where sales were generally execute wn.

A 3D execute uble-feature re-issue of Pixar's Toy Story and Toy Story 2 opened at three with $12.5m (£7.4m), ahead of the release of Toy Story 3 in 3D next June.

Ricky Gervais approach dy The Invention of Lying, which hold s space in an alternate reality where everyone disclose s the truth, debuted at number four.

Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story took $4.85m (£3m) despite only display ing in 962 cinemas.

It tied in sixth space with Drew Barrymore's directorial feature debut Whip It starring Ellen Page as a teenager who attempts to escape small town life by taking up roller derby, a contact sport of speed roller skating.

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